My Failure in Attempt to Make a MONDAY Acronym🙄
I was getting so excited today about a new week starting and all I could accomplish, and the decisions I need to make. Then I decided to...
My Failure in Attempt to Make a MONDAY Acronym🙄
Parents: Why is Your GenZ Not Getting Hired?
See Through The BS👓
The Father of a GenZ Walks Into a Bar
Jobs & Sobs
You Love Your Adult Children❤️
Do you like your job? Or, do you LOVE your job?
He said, "You've got the job".
Enough said. Well, almost.
MIDLIFE ... ugh
Whose responsibility is your job satisfaction?
What are you waiting for?
I have a crush on Marcus Buckingham
So you had a bad day.
It's not a race to the finish line.
Sometimes you have to stop and see the rainbows!
Are your mistakes just being human, or are you in the wrong job?
I've had many 'first' jobs.
Jobseekers: This Abraham Lincoln quote should be your mantra!
Career Boundaries